Being Received
It's my birthday. No it's not.
I am being received. By myself.
We are all the same. We want, crave, and desire to feel as if we are special, loved, and desired. Yes? We all crave. We all desire.
To feel connected. To be received. Accepted. Loved. Hell, adored! That is the good stuff.
We all share in this desire together. When we desire we dream. When we dream we are having vision. Our vision is what guides what we bring into our lives. Our commitment to our vision is what guides wether or not we will receive those desires. It's a risk to dream. It's a risk to ask for our desires. To be received.
We're afraid to not receive, and we most certainly fear putting ourselves at risk to not receive. To possibly get rejected when we do ask for it. That which we want. It's different for everyone and the same. This is why obtaining our goals is so hard, we are afraid to desire them whole heartedly in fear that we will not receive them.
Risk = Vulnerability = Anxiety
Most people don't like to feel it. Putting it all out there. Your wants and desires, your vision, your goals are out there, exposing your desires to the world. And if you don't get what you desire, you probably weren't worthy and it's not in the cards for you, and you'll never get it, you should probably stop trying, you should probably close down shop, and all that other bullshit your mind is telling you by making this a personal attack because it feels so frightening to put yourself out there. Failure. You'll fail!!! So most of us don't risk. We don't even ask for what we want.
Ugh, Uncertainty. Ugh, Rejection. Ugh, Anxiety. We've been taught to avoid this feeling. Numb this feeling. Do anything but feel this feeling.
We must redefine Anxiety, reclassify it as the powerful teacher it ,and reteach ourselves how to navigate it and use it for our betterment.
Anxiety is your gut telling you there is something worth fighting for, being uncomfortable for, and if you push through the yuck, you'll get it. Anxiety is a manifestation of our uncertainty and it is our inner guide showing us that we are about to transition to the next level of ourselves, if we dare to navigate the stormy seas of our challenges and obstacles. This Dare is our work to do. Push past the resistance, the stormy interval will soon pass, and we will grow stronger and more resilient.
"how do you want to feel when you come face to face with a challenge in life: strong or weak?"
Fear does not stop us, we stop the fear by moving. Moving forward threw the yuck and the ick, and all the uncertainty that we encounter on our way to greatness. Because the yuck and the ick are there (they always will be), we must learn to embrace it for the powerful teacher it is, it prepares us, we grow, we are being readied to receive. But we must prove our strength and our desires are stronger than any obstacle put in our path.
::Be Better. Be Resilient. Be Limitless. ::
The hard intervals in your training are no different than the hard intervals in your life. They prepare us. They all have beginnings and ends. They carry lessons. It's how we navigate them and what we learn that colors our experience. They can be threatening or they can be opportunities for growth and betterment. Learn to love resistance, learn to love life's challenges. I always get excited when we take risks and feel venerable, because I know we're about to level up when shit hits the fan.
So, I desire to share stories. Stories that unite us in our humanity. Stories that help us grow. Stories the keep us curious.
I have an agenda:
To empower people to take the hardest parts of life and suck every lesson they can from the experience they can. To level up. To grow. To become grateful for the yuck in life.
Starting with a shift in our perception of anxiety and using it as the powerful energy source it is. Be brave. You're challenges are your gifts, your opportunities to grow into your next best self. Eliminating any perceptions of weaknesses we may have had about ourselves. We are stronger than we know. Push past the resistance.
So we may Receive. and Give. and Grow.
This is one way to Thrive. Simply existing is not enough. I want more for all of us. I want us to set the highest goals for ourselves and our children by daring to dream and laughing in the face of fear. Hahahaha. We are truly limitless.
The Better Being Collective is about sharing our experiences and offering a place to be honestly received when looking for guidance in betterment.
the more stories we know, the bigger our toolbox gets, the bigger our TOOLBOX gets, the more resilient we become.
Better Together