One Step at a Time. Finding the Self through building the Self.
I recently read a quote that really resignated with me. Author Carol E. Parrish Harra writes in Adventures in Meditations that “The spiritual journey is the liberating experience of learning how to hear and follow the inner guru.”
Now, guru is just a word. I’m sure it means wise one or teacher, and in this sense it is refererring to the self. You. Me. Another author once referred to it as our inner GPS and to be clear, it’s our intuition. We all have intuition and it can be developed through practice, a series of steps advancing our ability to hear and listen to ourSELVES.
The author goes on to say that “the spiritual search unfolds in a known pattern, the outer world is not enough and now the ascending step must be taken.” The “ascending step” can be seen in many models of personal growth, from Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, to NASM’s Optimal Performance Pyramid, to this author’s Pyramid of Mediation Development.
Everyone everywhere wants to feel free, happy, fulfilled, satisfied, loved, and important. Our society often is programming us to look outside of ourselves and many people are finding themselves bored, bored with the chase of achievement, status, aesthetic, and overbooking the minutes in the day. So busy seeking outside ourselves we forget how to seek inwardly, losing the ability to hear our intuition, our deep SELF that can guide us back to feeling free, happy, fulfilled, satisfied, loved and belonging. The best part of this “known pattern” is once you realize your bored, unfulfilled, and offtract, the first “ascending step” will appear….and it will lead you to the top of the summit where you will find yourself again…better than before!
So…wether we know it or not…we are all on a spiritual journey to our best selves.
Love Jess