Do you leave room for inspiration?
You know, that space you schedule in your day just for you to be present, and not be ‘doing’ something? Whatever you do, don’t fill up all your time! It’s the space in between when our creativity and our intuitive inspiration can speak up and tell us what we need in order to feel balanced and fulfilled.
Without space to pause, breathe, and think, we cannot hear the wellspring of inspiration that dwells within each of us.
It is no secret that our society is now powered by pulling our attention outside of ourselves, marketing a world of consumption to us with promises of fulfillment if we just buy that next thing…then….then we will feel the way we want to feel. We will be happy. But we aren’t, not when we aren’t expressing ourselves creatively and certainly not when we aren’t channeling our energy into something fulfilling.
The problem is if our attention is directed outside ourselves we aren’t fulfilled and our attention isn’t available to be directed toward something internally fulfilling and satisfying.
Anxiety and depression are symptoms of unchanneled stagnant energy. Your energy wants to be directed toward something.
The answer is in us, we all come equipped with the answers and directions to satisfy our souls…..the key to that lair is in the space…..when we can ASK and LISTEN to ourselves. “What do I need?” “What do I want to do?” “What is calling me to attend to?” “What turns me on?”
The next problem after we LISTEN is we judge and doubt ourselves. “Who are you to….write that book?” “You can’t take time for that.” “How much will my actions really change things?”
We mustn’t judge our inner wisdom, our intuition is always right. It’s’ our CALL TO ACTION that will fulfill us, no matter how small an action we take.
So the next answer is to ACT. What is the smallest and most available action you can take toward that thing your inspiration told you to do. Do it! Don’t judge it, don’t doubt it, don’t limit yourself, just do one small thing.
Leave space to: ASK
Don’t judge, just find one action: DO
Give gratitude for your intuitions guidance: GIVE THANKS
It’s November 1st and I honestly just got my first Black Friday email, already ‘they’ are trying to direct my attention and my finances toward whatever it is they want. My sincere desire to to help everyone develop a practice of noticing when we are out of balance by checking in with our deepest selves, and a plan to nourish and express ourselves to satisfy our souls. The more satisfying and fulfilled we are the more generous and compassionate we are with others. Assessing our energy and our inspiration is a great starting place. We must first start prioritizing space in our schedules to be available for ourselves, only then can we begin to sense our own energy and continue to deepen our senses by directing our attention inward.
“How am I?” “What do I need?”
“How can I start what do I need to do or allow to be there?”
“Thank You for this moment of direction and guidance!”
Namaste. In Gratitude